Exposing Terrorists: From Weathermen To QAnon

Marguerite Arnold
Published in
8 min readJan 12, 2021


I was threatened as a child and almost killed, to keep the identity of several members of the Weather Underground secret — it led to more gross abuse and murder. Turn in people you know are breaking the law (or planning to) for the sake of the rest of us

Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

The United States is now facing an unprecidented attack on its democratic institutions. This has not happened since the late 1960’s, when Vietnam and the civil rights movement galvinized this kind of response from the “Left”.

Armed violence, however, is not the solution. Those planning on a militia response to the removal of Trump from office — either before January 20, on the day, or after — should stop what they are doing. And turn in others who are planning on the same.

None of this will end well. This is how I know.

I once covered up the identity of a terrorist who ended up destroying my family.

Patti Hearst I ain’t — The Weathermen Did Kill People

Here is an explosion of the Boomer myth. The Weathermen did kill people. They and others like them also abused and trafficked them — and engaged in the gross abuse of children including sexually. After all, it was for “a good cause.”

Sometimes they worked with other groups — and those groups ranged in ideology from the Black Panthers to the KKK.

Here is how I know.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

I was human trafficked in 1980, by my own mother, and an until now unexposed active member of the Weather Underground. But it did not end there. My father, Arnold Arnold, was murdered, with these individuals help, in 2012, on Obama’s reinauguration day, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States, as I was trying to bring a Holocaust era German Jew and U.S. combat vet, Purple Heart, back to a country which expelled him as a child.

The perps’ name was Richard Ballantine. He was the only child of internationally famous publishers at the time — Ian and Betty Ballantine. They got their company on the map for reinventing the paperback book — and publishing authors you have probably heard of — like J.R.R. Tolkien and Isaac Isamov. They also published my father’s book, in 1954, about how to play with your children to ensure that they grow up well adjusted. My father, in other words, met a 14 year old Richard. A young man who would later betray him — and participate in a grotesque plot with my mother that, when understood end to end, is a picture portrait of what the Weathermen actually were, many still are, and why they should, where they have not been, still be prosecuted for outstanding crimes.

Richard became a member of the Weathermen from the beginning — after being part of the SDS faction in New York that wanted more violent escalation in the summer of 1969. Many, including my father, a combat vet himself, told him that armed insurrection was not the answer. Unfortunately, a bond was created between Richard and my mother, Gail Haley, that continued to compound and escalate an already highly volatile situation.

Richard and his father were my father’s lifeline to an income. So when Richard ignored my dad’s advise, and went on a bombing spree with people you no doubt have heard of (including Sam Melville), my father was really angry at him. He was even more angry when my mother, children’s book illustrator and author Gail E. Haley, went along and bought him a gun.

Of course things did not work out the way Richard had planned. Their bombs actually ended up killing people — and not just in the Greenwich Village townhouse — but, as I heard it as a child, a security guard who entered a building where a bomb exploded in a bathroom. And Richard then had to go on the run. He hid out, for a period, at our house. At the time he was writing the book that his parents would publish and put him on the map professionally — you may have heard of the book — Richard’s Bicycle Book.

It is even dedicated to Sam Melville, as a “hero.”

The subsequent crime, carried out over the subsequent forty years, involved an activity spawned by both.

It was a no-brainer, in our house, that the children, starting with me, never told anyone.

Escape To The UK

Photo by C Drying on Unsplash

Richard fled to the UK, and we followed, after my father first put my mother in a mental hospital for her involvement in the same, as well as incest with all three of his children. Somehow, she was let out, in Charlottesville Virginia, in the care of her parents. And even more strangely, although not really if you consider the grotesque anti-semitism coming out of that region of the world today, two minor children were taken out of my father’s care and handed over to my mother and her parents.

My father managed to get us back that time, which is why we ended up leaving the U.S. for England about the same time as Richard. After all, my mother was also a guilty co-conspirator at that point. My father was, ultimately too. He ended up losing his most lucrative gig at that point — a column on parents and their children, published by the Chicago Tribune. You might have heard of it.

My mother was never punished. In fact, she just kept on winning medals, for children’s books that ostensibly were “harmless” fairy tales, but in reality, was a coded cartoon for what came next.

Days of Rage

Photo by Leandro Mazzuquini on Unsplash

Richard settled into London with the ease of a trustfund baby. He bought a house on Primrose Hill and got married. My mother’s affair with Richard, however, did not stop, even after Richard’s 1974 marriage — and was very much, beyond the physical, a meeting of the minds. Including of the terrorist kind.

This played well into Richard’s longer plan, however. As he became more “respectable” promoting a safer, green revolution, we as a family, became even more financially precarious. If not a direct danger to Richard’s new cover.

He actively plotted, with my mother, Gail E. Haley, as well as my father’s first wife, Eve Arnold, to get the most unstable elements in this ticking time bomb, as far away from him as possible.

In 1979, he helped my mother kidnap us out of London. In 1980, he and Mort Schindel, founder of Weston Woods, helped my mother human traffic us out of the UK, after the Home Office had taken our passports.

He assumed, like everyone else involved in this that my mother would not only kill herself, but us as well. Problem solved.

The only problem is they failed. I survived.

And so did my father. And that is what prompted what came next.

From the time I was 13 years old in other words, I never stopped having a price on my head, and further placed there not only by a member of one of America’s most famous left wing terror groups — thanks to Richard Ballentine — but also from one of America’s most famous right wing terror groups — the KKK, thanks to my mother.

In This Century…

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

By the time the old century melted into the new, I was fed up with a situation which should have come to an end many years before. Namely, that my father and I had failed to reunite, in part because of the active involvement of not only Richard, but others involved historically. Like my mother, her family, and my brother and stepmother. Not to mention all of those who decided to ignore the obvious fact that my mother was not only unrepentant, but began to brag even more outrageously and in print, about what she had done. See the plot of her book, published in 1984, about the forced labor of a kidnapped little girl, Birdsong. At the time of its publication, it was still a crime in progress.

I tried, repeatedly, to find my father. I finally hit pay dirt when Eve won the OBE. And that set off the next chain of events. Richard and my older brother Frank conspired to prevent me from finding my aging father. He was sent repeatedly to the Philappines, to kill him. I was attacked relentlessly in New York.

I never found my father, although I came very close. My older half brother killed my father on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 2012. My dad’s death was far from an accident. This I can prove. I can also of course prove it was also the first day of the second term of Obama.

This should chill you.

When I was in the UK for the funeral of my dad, I finally found out, and by accident, that Richard had been in direct contact with my older brother, to the point of buying an apartment for my nephew, right across the street from Richard as of 2005.

In other words, Richard Ballentine, Weatherman, violent terrorist and killer, was able to pull off the last, unpunished, unsolved crime of the most unprosecuted, excused terrorist group in the history of the United States.

He had a lot of accomplices. And even though he is dead, the rest of them can still, and should be punished. One of the strategies behind this series of articles, is to make sure they are. It is never too late.

Why Does This Matter Now?

As the United States girds for what is likely to be a next round of years of political violence, it is time to make a decision. Are you going to tolerate this kind of thing, when you encounter it, where-ever you are?

If you are tempted to, don’t. It always leads to tragedy.

And if you know someone who has participated in this kind of violent, anti-democratic action? Turn them in.

There is no negotation with terrorists. Trust me, I know. And from a very personal, and ongoing tragedy that is still an ongoing crime and a terrible danger to my life.

Check out my newest book, the inside story of the first German cannabis cultivation bid — Green II; Spreading Like Kudzu



Marguerite Arnold

Marguerite has covered the legal cannabis industry internationally from Germany for over six years and is the author of several books plus a Cannatech geek